
Week of June 23rd - July 2nd

This Week's Special Offer:

Read below to learn more
about Pink Lemonade Bags!

My thoughts...
The Lord has been speaking to me over the past week about our relationship and how it plays into the everyday moments of life. What I have discovered is that much of my lack of peace and my struggle with worry stems from a lack of "currentness" (Is that a word?) in my relationship with Him. I spend a lot of time dwelling on the past or the future, which makes living in the present quite a challenge. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for future events (many of which will probably never even happen), with the spiritual insights and grace He has given me in the past, rather than walking with Him, day by day. His Word says:

It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); therefore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him. The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him [inquire of and for Him and require Him by right of necessity and on the authority of God's word]. It is good that one should hope in and wait quietly for the salvation (the safety and ease) of the Lord. Lamentations 3:22 - 26.

...As your day, so shall your strength, your rest and security, be. Deuteronomy 33:25.

In her blog, Girl Talk, Carolyn Mahaney writes, "So often we ignore the awesome displays of God’s faithfulness to people in trials and instead imagine ourselves in their situation, minus the grace of God. We would do well to heed Elisabeth Elliot’s wise reminder that there is no grace for our imaginations. None. It’s simply not available. God is not waiting in the wings to help us through whatever horrible imaginary trouble we can conjure up today. But His goodness is stored up and will be abundantly poured out whenever we walk through a real trial."

I've started a new practice this week to give physical expression to developing a DAILY walk with the Lord. I bought a daily planner. Mine has lines for each day, rather than a blank space (although that would work as well). The purpose of the planner is not to set my weekly agenda though. It is a place for me to chronicle my daily interaction with Him. Each day, I'm recording the most significant "event" of my journey with Him. It may be a verse that jumped off the pages of Scripture for the first time, a quote from a Christian author that holds relevance to my life, or just a few sentences of my own thoughts. What it is not, is a frantic pleading for Him to give me grace to get through whatever I fear might happen next week, next month, or next year, which is how I have approached journaling in the past. The calendar format is serving as a daily reminder to me that He promises sufficient grace for today...every day. That is why each page beyond today will remain blank until that day comes. I am so thankful for mercies that are new every morning.

Mahaney, Carolyn. "Grace When We Need It." 2008. (June 22, 2008).

Jennifer at Quiverfull Family Blog

My husband and I have been married for 6 years, seven this Fall! This is sort of funny, but my husband and I met each other online on a vegetarian dating website! We are no longer vegetarians and now raise our own livestock for meat, do all of our own butchering etc. Thankfully we’ve grown together through the years! My oldest is 5, then a 2 year old, and we are expecting our third towards the end of the month! I live in Canada, in the province of Alberta.

I resisted blogging for some time. I could never really understand the appeal (little did I know!). Then this Spring I was somehow lured in – maybe it was all of the contests, but there was also a sense of camaraderie between bloggers that I loved. Then I noticed the entire Christian, homeschooling mom blog sub-culture, and that is really what inspired me to begin my blogging journey. I always have new book reviews coming up on my blog – I focus on Christian literature and try to give a good feel of the book for conservative Christian parents who are trying to discern what the best reading material for their children (and themselves) should be. I have just started doing product reviews of interest to parents and families – this is pretty new for me, but I have some exciting reviews coming up. I also have contests running from time to time, though they aren’t regularly scheduled.

The rest of my blog is dedicated to my musings on faith, homemaking, homeschooling, parenting, frugal living, homesteading, gluten free recipes and my family! I love to read, sing (particularly psalms, scripture songs and hymns) and play with my children. I also enjoy knitting and various handcrafts, though the time for them seems limited since I’ve been blogging! My husband and I came to know Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour in the fall of 2006, so we are fairly new Christians. Our lives have become so rich and exciting since our conversion – there is so much to learn and so many ways to grow in Christ!

Stop by
Quiverfull Family Blog and visit Jennifer!

My name is Caroline and I am the designer for Pink Lemonade Boutique Bags. I design and professionally create my bags from my home sewing studio. I am happily married to my wonderful husband and raising my two children. When my daughter was born five years ago, I made my first diaper bag for myself. I wanted a custom bag that would stand out in the crowd and look different from the generic store bought bags that everyone else was carrying. A self taught seamstress, I started making my diaper bags as gifts for my friends who were starting their own families. I always got so much joy out of the positive feedback from everyone who received a bag or gave one as a gift... one of the reasons I decided to sell them!

Shortly before my sons' first birthday, I decided to leave my career of 15 years in Retail Sales Management and Pink Lemonade Boutique Bags was officially born. I opened my own website last spring. Now going into my third year of business, I have stores on eBay, Etsy, WinkElf, and eCrater. One of my favorite things about selling on the Internet is being able to make beautiful bags and share them with you. I can't wait to see where 2008 will take me!

I professionally construct my bags in a smoke-free, pet-free sewing studio. I take special care in the construction of each bag to ensure that it will last as long as my own. I sincerely hope you will enjoy your bag for years to come. I have done several custom orders so please email me and we can work together to create your custom bag. I am very picky about selecting the fabric I use and the trim I add to ensure that everything coordinates perfectly. I love vibrant colors and experimenting with different fabric combinations. If you are looking for a stylish bag (or two, or really cannot have too many bags, don’t you agree?), please visit! I am so thankful to everyone on Etsy for the opportunity to share my bags with you. Thank you for your support and allowing me to be a work at home mom to my two children! I give daily thanks to the Lord for giving me the gift of having an eye for color and design and the ability to create beautiful bags.

My Favorites...

Pink Chocolate Paisley Stripe

Spa Chocolate Retro Dots

City Street (Scenes 1 & 2) © Roberto Giovannini
Bag of groceries ©
Mike Cassell

Two Women Drinking Coffee ©

Stumble Upon Toolbar


Unknown said...

i agree with you, the spa chocolate retro is the best.

Unknown said...

Our favorite is: The Pink Chocolate Sundrop, but there are soo many beautiful selections it was really hard to choose just one!

kristinialeanna (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tara said...

I'm posted about Pink Lemonade Bags' Giveaway. I LOVE these bags. My favorite is the Pink Damask Chocolate bag, however, so many of her bags are super-cute!

Jessica said...

Totally love the bags.

Anonymous said...

I love the Chocolate Trellis Pink Boutique Diaper Bag Tote Handbag. All of the bags are super cute and I would love to carry one!

Dana Lynne said...

Ummm...I think you're pretty much asking the impossible in wanting us to choose JUST ONE! So here are my Top Three!!!

I LOVE the Shabby n Chic Pink Amy Butler Midwest Modern Custom Boutique Rag Tote Handbag Diaper Bag as well as the Black Pink Paisley Diaper Bag Tote...oh, and the Retro Kiwi Pink Flowers Diaper Bag Tote!!!

I'm adding you to my Etsy Favorites and posting this giveaway to my website:

Bree Wilder said...

I love the #156 Shabby tote! So cute!!

Anonymous said...

I love #33 Pink Black Stripes! I agree that the numerous beautiful selections makes it difficult to choose just one.

Christy @ Multitasking Mama

Anonymous said...

I really like Spa Mocha Medallions. blogged this :)

Katie said...

Chocolate spa retro is my favorite. thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

I like the retro fire truck bag


Wendy said...

I LOVE these bags too!! I really like the one in this post the best: Pink Chocolate Paisley Stripe. VeRy MuCh ThE bAg for me!! Can't wait to see who wins!

kamewh said...

I love these bags!! I would have to say that spa chocolate retro is my favorite! Thank you for the giveaway!

kristen said...

These are adorable! I really can't decide which is my favorite. As a mommy of 3 boys, I lean toward the blue/green. so spa chocolate retro is one of my favs!

Idaho Jill said...

Wow, super hard to decide, but I finally settled on the spa chocolate dragonfly. So adorable!

Anonymous said...

I also like the spa chocolate retro!!

maumauisginger at gmail dot com

Sky said...

I'm a Dots and Stripes kinda gal. I love the Chocolate Dots and Stripes bag.

I heart these bags!!

Cyndie said...

I love the bag the colors are great, I would so love to have one...I would show it off and put it on my blog for all my friends to see too.

Tracey said...

I love the Pink Chocolate Sundrop. Enter me...I will post to my blog now.

Anonymous said...

I like the retro chocolate diamonds bag but I'd pretty much sport anything from that site. The bags are really cute.


Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

Without a doubt, my favorite bag is #16 Black & White Damask.

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

I love the Chocolate Spa Dragonfly!
So hard to choose - but it matches my blog!

Posting this as a giveaway on my Mama Mentor Blog!

Mama Smurf said...

There all so darn cute it's hard to pick just one...

But I think ONE of my favorites is:
Spa Chocolate Trellis

Quarantine Hobby said...

Oh they are so cute!

Pink Damask Chocolate is my favorite...but the spa chocolate one is VERY cute, too!

Kathleen W. said...

I like the spa retro dots too. I really liked a lot of the paisley bags, but many were sold out. She has some lovely things.

Jackie said...

Oh wow! These are gorgeous! I love the Chocolate Trellis Pink, the Chocolate Pink Paisley Stripe, and Kiwi Pink Retro Dots. Sorry....I couldn't just choose one.

Unknown said...

I love the Chocolate Trellis Pink

HIP_M0M said...

I'm all for anything with the name Chocolate or Spa in its title!

- Proud member of the Street Team.

Biddy said...

how on earth can i choose just one!? i love all things paisley, so the paisley stripe is making me have heart palpatations!

of course...i also love damask...

and chocolate/turquoise...

oh the cuteness!!

marlynn said...

OMG - I have one of these and LOVE them!!! I love them all!

Anonymous said...

Those bags look awesome. I checked the website but I like the ones featured here on the blog!
Thanks for the contest.

Rockin' Mama said...

The Mint Chocolate Toile bag is adorable!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Sunny said...

Retro Spa Apples and Pears, very yummy! Too sweet!

~michelle pendergrass said...

My favorite is #148 Spa Chocolate Green Stripes!

Anonymous said...

These bags are to die for! I love the Chocolate Latte Flowers. Too bad it's sold out. :(

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Ooh - lovin' the Chocolate Spa Retro Dots! they're ALL cute!

Anonymous said...

the #162 Pink Toile Chocolate is my fav- it will be used as a diaper bag :)

rhonda mcknight said...

I found you at

Loved all the paisleys and dragonflys. My favorite is #132 chocolate kiwi spa. Made me think of food though. Chocolate in particular. Not good.

rhondathewriter (at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I love so many of these bags! My absolute favorites would have to be #21 Spa Chocolate Dot and #18 Classic Pink Chocolate Dot.

Becky said...

I love the Chocolate Pink Dots! I just really like pink and brown together...and polka dots!
They are all so fun, funky, adorable! I'd love to win!

Genny said...

I like the pink chocolate paisley. Too cute!

And I have to tell you how beautiful your thoughts were on this post. Loved the scripture, the quote, and your thoughts and feelings, which came across so beautifully in your post.

Domestic Goddess in Training said...

I like the chocolate trellis pink bag and I just love the funky sock monkies. How can you not love sock monkies?

Tarasview said...

I can't enter because I am Canadian but I just wanted to let you know that I sent some thank-you linky love to you today at

melissa said...

I'm going to have to go with #176 Avocado Blossom Ginger Tile. But these are all amazing bags!

You're story is inspiring. :) I've made my first bag recently - I guess you never know where that can lead! :)

miss_honeyb at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the pink dragonfly one...but there are so many cute ones...I don't think I'd be disappointed to have any one of them.

jacquelinc said...

Love these bags especially the spa chocolate retro.Thanks for the opportunity to win a great bag.

Unknown said...

Hello! I just posted about this great contest at, Twittered at I have also Plurked it and sent to several other social networks. I will also be blogging it on several other blogs that I have. Please let me know if you would like the links to those as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh they are all so cute! My favorites are the paisley bags... one would make such a cute diaper bag for our first little blessing that we are expecting in February!
-Stacy Leigh

cpullum said...

I love the #168 Chocolate Pink Dot !!!!

Anonymous said...

Pink chocolate dots and stripes - so beautiful!

Trisha said...

My favorite is the Spa Kiwi Chocolate Paisley. What gorgeous bags!

Unknown said...

What a great price! My favorite one (of the ones not sold out) was #31 Spa Kiwi Chocolate Paisley.

I would love one of these because I went practical and got a sheek black diaper bag that looks very sofisticated buuuuuuuuut. Sometimes I want something fun and funky.

VickieC said...

I love the spa chocolate retro a lot also,but since you had it posted I went to look for something else so I found the Black Pink Paisley Diaper Bag Tote that is so cute an I have a grandbaby on the way,thanks

rcjazzr said...

The Pink Lemonade Bag! What a cute Gift!! Would Love to see it on me..

destee said...

#24 Spa Trelis Chocolate is my fave, but this is an exceptional line of great fabric choices.....I love so many of them! Great bag design as well. Thanks!

Belinda said...

I think #180, the Chocolate Spa Dragonfly is just lovely,

Anonymous said...

All of these bags are so pretty! I love the pink damask chocolate and any of the toile ones.

Theresa N. said...

Beautiful work!! My fav is #179 Chelsea Market Shabby Tote. They all look great it's hard to choose.
Theresa N

katylinvw said...

i am loving the Black White Boho Boutique Handbag Tote Diaper Bag!! she has such cute items!

katylinvw (at) yahoo (dot) com

judybrittle said...

i have to be honest and say these are the prettiest bags i've ever seen all in one place. absolutely beautiful. if i have to choose one it would be the pink chocolate trellis bag.

Jennifer said...

I absolutely loovvvee the mint chocolate toile bag!!!

I'd love to win this beautiful bag! Thanks for the chance!

Lemonade said...

I think the Chocolate Spa Damask (#126) is beautiful!! Nice work, and thanks for the contest!

kaylee8 said...

Love the retro bags especially the fire truck!

Sue said...

Love your bags and been watching your blog for a couple of weeks. Lovely choice of fabrics and wonderful bags. God's Speed with all you encounter.

Sue in MI

Natalie said...

I love them all! But I think my favorite is probably the Retro Pink Black Dots Custom Boutique Diaper Bag Handbag Tote.

BTW...heard about this on the Pink Lemonade Bags blog. :)

scblog at hotmail dot com

Darla said...

It's so hard to choose just ONE!

Okay, okay, after spending 10 minutes over there, my fav is:

#153 Chocolate Spa Dots and Stripes

I have a post scheduled to go up Sunday to promote this (last minute I know, sorry!) and I'll do a couple tweets too under DarlaF.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

these bags are adorable. i love Chocolate Spa Dots and Stripes (though it's sold out).

great giveaway. :)

amygeekgrl AT gmail DOT com

Ami said...

I love the Pink Black Dots bag, but it's sold. :( I'm sure I could pick another favorite, though! They're all great!

I'll definitely be bookmarking Pink Lemondade Bags. I see some holiday shopping in my future. :)

Chrissie said...

I'm all about the favorite pattern, but anything with pink and chocolate and a hint of spa will find itself in my daily repertoire!

I jumped over here from PinkLemonadeBoutiqueBags!

hotrodgal said...

These are so fun! I love the pink kiwi retro dots!

April said...

I've seen the Pink Lemonade bags before and they're all so gorgeous!

My favorites are the Chocolate Pink Zebra and the Retro Chocolate Diamonds. And I love all of the Trellis bags and Retro Dot bags!

Anonymous said...

I love the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly and the spa chocolate retro bag.

Fifi Flowers said...

I like 33 or 32... FUN BAGS!

Hootyboosmom said...

I love the Spa Kiwi Chocolate bag. But all of them are so pretty! Great giveaway! Thanks for offering this!

Anonymous said...

SOOOO many great designs, however I think I would have to choose #168 Chocolate Pink Dot. What else could a chocoholic choose!

Sarah Doyle

Anonymous said...

I really love the Spa Chocolate Retro Dots or the Aqua Butterfly one.

Mistress Meeyee said...

Okay,I am trying to remember the names of the ones i liked the most.Chocolate Trellis pink and chocolate retro and spa dragonfly. Lots of super cool stuff! I want some stuff!

Anonymous said...

Retro chocolate diamonds is pretty fabulous...

Karin said...

Pink lotus tree--love it!

janetfaye said...

The bags are adorable!

I love the #47 Aqua Chocolate Butterflies.

Jess said...

I love the Pink Chocolate Trellis & the pink black paisley stripe...all your bags are gorgeous!

noreen said...

Aqua chocolate Butterflies, love the colors

Little Munchkins said...

I love the spa chocolate retro! It has lovely colours and looks really pretty.

James and Angela said...

These bags are so beautiful. My favorite is the pink chocolate sundrop, but I love them all.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Pink Chocolate Dots and Stripes bag. Thank you!

alison said...

All of their bags are cute! I really love that paisley one featured on your blog.

Abbreviated said...

Spa Chocolate Trellis

Boo said...

I love bags of all sizes, shapes and colors. These bags are fab!! It is soo hard to choose but I think I'd like the chocolate trellis pink if I win. Thanks!!!

striving... said...

I like the spa choc. Retro also. The pink lemonade is adorable. Thanks for the chance.

Veggiemomof2 said...

I like #154.

I liked alot of the ones w/pink & polka dots.

The more I look, the more I like..If I win a giftcard to here, I'll go crazy trying to decide what to get! LOL

Anonymous said...

They are all super cute! I really like the Pink Chocolate Trellis Boutique

staceyheneveld AT mac DOT com

yyeres said...

i like the Chocolate Spa Dragonfly, thanks for the contest

Cresanna said...

These are gorgeous! It was very hard to pick a favorite. I really like Retro Pink Kiwi Dots as well as several of the bags with paisley fabrics.

talitha77 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Oh yeah. Spa chocolate retro...

Anonymous said...

I like the Chocolate Pink Dots & Stripes, so cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bag lover...they are all gorgeous. Really the spa chocolate retro is great..I would be happy with any of them.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love the Chocolate Trellis Pink handbag.

lilacbutterfly [at]

cupiedollie said...

I love the Retro Polka Dot design...there are some many cute ones...the Sock Monkey one too!

krista said...

these are TOO cute!!!
love the choc spa damask---LOVE IT!

Tammy said...

Oh my goodness, I love the polka dot one. They all are SO cute.

Unknown said...

Wow, these bags are adorable! If I had to choose, my favorites are the trellis prints and the shabby totes. Thank you for the chance to win one! Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

OMG! How can i decide? I suppose i love the Pink Choc stripe.

Anonymous said...

Wow- beautiful bags, so hard to choose a favorite! I really like the retro pink and black stripe and the pink chocolate stripe. I am really into stripes right now!

Anonymous said...

I love her bags! It is so hard to choose. The spa chocolate retro is cool.

Sarahviz said...

I agree. The pink chocolate paisley stripe is soooo cute!

mattie said...

LOVE the pink carnival blooms. mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Channah said...

The chocolate spa dragonfly is cute!

Anonymous said...

The pink chocolate paisley stripe is tres me. However, a girl could never have too many of these delicious totes! They are all adorable.

Unknown said...

Choosing a favorite is almost impossible! I'm a big fan of the Chocolate Latte Flowers (which is sold), but I think I love the B&W Classic Toile even more!
There isn't ONE that I don't love though - these are the cutest bags I think I've ever seen!

Jen Rouse said...

Love the Teal Chocolate bag!

Sarah Mae said...

Wow - she is really talented - I love her bags! My favorites are a toss up between the 147 Retro Spa Apples and Pears and 143 Chocolate Spa Retro Dots.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Chocolate Pink Paisley Stripe. They are all beautiful.

Christa Allan said...

Paisley and Toile my favs. Lovely work!

MomStillLearning said...

Wow! Never heard of Pink Lemonade before but it's like someone looked in my head and figured out exactly what I like! There are so many great ones I couldn't even pick a favorite. Love to stripes, love the trellis, love the it all!

Lee said...

love the pink chocolate dragonfly!

Anonymous said...

Love the Pink Chocolate Dots n Stripes! So PRETTY!


bison61 said...

lots of pretty selections, but I picked the Pink Chocolate Dragonfly

tiramisu392 (at)

Samantha P said...

the Spa Chocolate Dragonfly bag is so cute!

Anonymous said...

the Pink Chocolate Sundrop is really really cute~!

Amberleigh said...

I love the Spa Chocolate Green Stripes bag.
Thanks for the great giveaway!! My email is on my profile!

Anonymous said...

I have three favorites...Avocado Ginger Tile, Ginger Blossom Shabby and the Fire Truck! One of these days, when I have some extra money, I will need to get one of these beautiful bags for my knitting projects!

mah-meeee said...

love pink chocolate dots and stripes! it'll be perfect since i have two girls!


Carolyn said...

Easy! The Peek a Boop bag is my very favorite as Halloween is my favorite Holiday!

Bunny Chic Boutique said...

I LOVE the Paisley Bags ~ especially the Pink Chocolate Paisley Bag!!

Actually ~ they're all Gorgeous Bags!!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Oh my, there really are so many cute bags. Like you, I love the spa chocolate retro. I also like the Classic Toile bag. Thanks.

KristenH said...

The bags I really like are #49 Retro Chocolate Diamonds, #47 Aqua Chocolate Butterflies, #54 Funky Sock Monkeys, #163 Pink Chocolate Sun Drop, and #3 Pink Chocolate Toile. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win as I could get a lot of use out of the totes. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hello from a fellow Etsyian!!! ALL of your bags are SPLENDID!!! Love the chocolate browns with blues and pinks! And the black with dots! SO CUTE!!! :)

Heather :)

Dawn Chastain said...

Beautiful bags that look very well made. the colors are to die for!loved the b/w boho with lime and the kiwi choco spa!

klp1965 said...

the Chocolate Dots and Stripes bag is Gorgeous :)