I have not fallen off the planet. I've just been very busy finalizing all of the giveaways for the Mother's Day Blog Bash. Thank you all for claiming your prizes in a timely manner. I really appreciate it!
I want to let you all know about a few changes that are coming to Notes From My Nest. I will resume my regular postings sometime later this week but will only be posting ONCE A WEEK from this point forward. My sweet baby girl is not napping as long in the afternoon now and so my priorities are changing a bit. My weekly posts will include a short devotional of sorts, feature a new Sweet Shoppe, highlight some Fresh Finds and introduce you to another mom blogger in Coffee With...
Finally, I have decided to discontinue The Message Board. I have been closely monitoring it's traffic and have determined that it is not the wisest use of my time. If you have events that you would like to promote, I encourage you to contact Laura Williams and Kailani. Both of them do a fabulous job of promoting blog events, giveaways, etc.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!Blessings...