Who doesn't need a little help with staying organized? I love the idea of this product. I lose all my paper planners, so software might be the way to go, lol.
This would be awesome! I'm always juggling my family life and not keeping it all organized! Especially since I have soon to be 3 children this would be great
The whole thing looks great, I am a very organized person, yet I have activities written down on different calendars and sometimes that causes a problem. One central calendar would be a good thing.
OOOOO! If only I was randomly picked, my homeschooling family of 7 could cut down on the paper in our house! Can you imagine how much can be generated in a 3 bedroom house, we don't even have a basement! I would love the planning software!
I could TOTALLY use this. Each feature looks like it was designed for ME!!! I love the journal (for recording special baby moments quickly); the budget - SO organized; and the meal option is terrific!!!
The planner looks useful.
Oh.. that would make my life so much easier!!
I LOVE this idea! Online planning...sounds fantastic!
This online planning software looks promising!!
anything that would make my life easier! This sounds awesome! Ihope I win!
I'd love to check this out. I love anything that's organized!
Version 2.0 looks like it would be very helpful!
I need all the help I can get.
I've been looking around for a good planner... this one looks awesome!
This looks really interesting! I've been trying to get my life organized!
Who doesn't need a little help with staying organized? I love the idea of this product. I lose all my paper planners, so software might be the way to go, lol.
Looks like it would be very helpful!
I need help organizing. I would love to have this.
I could definitely use this to get organized! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Ann G.
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I need need need this! I'm so unorganized!
If this can get me organized, it can get anyone organized
oh I have wanted something like this planner for a long time!
Very useful!
If it can help me keep our finances straight and remember our appointments, sign me up, it looks GREAT!
What a great online planner.
This would be awesome! I'm always juggling my family life and not keeping it all organized! Especially since I have soon to be 3 children this would be great
I really like that it helps keep track of your finances I truly need this. Thanks for the opportunity.
I am so hopeless keeping my family organized on top of the home businesses and now I've got summer daycare looming - help!!!!
I'd love this! I'd love to be able to promote it on my blog for my readers, too.
I'm downloading the trial right now. If I don't win, I'll definately buy!
That planner looks great.
I like the idea of online planning, I spend so much time at my desk, might be easier!
Oh this would be SO helpful! I've been looking for meal planning in particular, so I would love that aspect the most!
eternally at gmail dot com
How great to have my calendar, To-do lists, and meal plans all in one place.
I'm learning to be organized! LOL
This planner would be a great help!
this would definietly make my life easier. I currently am soooo disorganized!
The planner looks great - meal planning especially!
Oh my goodness. This software looks like a godsend for busy mothers.
This planning software looks pretty cool, I need all the help I can get!
This look amazing! I could definitely use the meal planning and the finance section!
The whole thing looks great, I am a very organized person, yet I have activities written down on different calendars and sometimes that causes a problem. One central calendar would be a good thing.
OOOOO! If only I was randomly picked, my homeschooling family of 7 could cut down on the paper in our house! Can you imagine how much can be generated in a 3 bedroom house, we don't even have a basement! I would love the planning software!
This would be so helpful. I have a difficult time staying organized!
The planner would be so much help for my ADD self believe me!! Anything that helps me organize and focus is great in my book!
Useful software to help organize my life! Thanks for the giveaway.
I really like the planner... I definitely need one to keep me organized!
Well, like every post above me I could use some serious ogranization help so this would be great! :o)
Organizing made easy.
What a great idea and a great giveaway.
Shaunalynn S.
WHo doesn't need this!!!
What a great planner. I like the weekly routine feature!
I could TOTALLY use this. Each feature looks like it was designed for ME!!! I love the journal (for recording special baby moments quickly); the budget - SO organized; and the meal option is terrific!!!
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