If you're enjoying The Mother's Day Blog Bash, then don't miss The Summer Sizzle! There will be more blog-hopping and more fabulous giveaways!
The dates for this event haven't been nailed down yet but the theme for this blog bash will be "What are you bringing?", so dust off your recipe box and get ready to submit your favorite Summer recipe! Think of it as a gigantic virtual picnic! You'll leave with a fresh collection of Summer recipes and hopefully one of the wonderful door prizes!
You'll get to double your chances for each of the door prize drawings by submitting your recipe early so check back soon for the rest of the details! Don't submit them yet!
If you would like to receive Summer Sizzle updates by e-mail (this is NOT a subscription to my daily postings and you may opt out at any time), just comment to this post and the rest of the details will be e-mailed to you soon!
Summer Colorful Flip Flops In the Grass © Fat*fa*tin Dreamstime.com

Yes I'd love an e-mail about when!
I'm always on the lookout for new yummy recipes, and love sharing the ones we enjoy. count me in! lareescandles AT gmail DOT com.
Add me!! I have tons of recipes that should be out and about for others! Sounds like a great time!
Add me along too!
Sign me up for the emails! Thanks.
Yes, i would love to receive emails regarding the summer sizzle.
sharonellis75 {at}verizon{dot} net.
oh yeah please keep in touch with me on the next party!!!
I can't wait!
Please add me as well. I am so excited by this concept and upset that I missed the last one. :D
I would love to attend the Summer Sizzle!! When is it??? I'd also be interested in providing a giveaway if I can get more details as to the date, etc!!
thank you!!
Very interested about your Summer Sizzle! TaraAggie97(at)hotmail(dot)com
can't wait!! sounds like fun!!
thanks for the invite!!
moore.g at insideconnect.net
Yay! I LOVE to cook, and this sounds like a fun way to share some family favorites. I'm hoping to see what other vegetarians are cooking, but if we're the only one, I'll be ready to represent! :)
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com
Food!!??? Heck yeah I want updates! sunshineklein@cfl.rr.com
This would be great! I'm looking forward to sharing recipes!
yes please :)
Yes Thank you. katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.
would love to learn new summer recipes! count me in! katebeth45 AT gmail DOT com
Please keep me updated.
I would love to know when this is.
schola.athenarum at gmail dot com
Let me know the scoop!
Sounds like fun!
Sounds like fun!
Definitely would like to know when the details are ironed out! Thanks!!
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